Hope Valley Bowling Club 10 + 10 Years Proposed Lease
Council is seeking feedback from the community about a proposed new 10+10 year lease for the Hope Valley Bowling Club. The Hope Valley Bowling and Community Club Inc features three full size bowling greens, four sheds, and an adjacent non-bowling lawn area. It is located at 2-18 Deakin Reserve on the northern side of Grand Junction Road, Hope Valley with vehicle access via a private road.
Founded in 1989 and home to the Hope Valley Hornets, Hope Valley Bowling Club has around 300 members consisting of Pennant, Social, Indoor and Night Owl bowlers. The membership base spans a wide range of ages and abilities, with both social and competitive options available.
If approved, the proposal would mean that the Hope Valley Bowling Club will be granted a 10-year lease (as well as an option for a 10 year renewal extension at the sole discretion of Council) providing them with continued exclusive use of the building and bowling greens on Deakin Reserve which will continue to be home to the Hope Valley Bowling Club (as per the map on the right side of this webpage). There are no changes to the leased area.
The proposed lease tenure of 10 + 10 years is designed to provide the Hope Valley Bowling Club with longer term stability, encourage investment in facilities and promote their ongoing sustainability. It is envisaged a peppercorn lease will apply providing the club meets the criteria in the City of Tea Tree Gully’s Lease and License policy.
Before providing feedback please review the Information Sheet and consider all available information.
To get involved and have your say:
- Register here (if you haven't already, otherwise you can sign in when prompted)
- Provide feedback by completing the online feedback form
- Have a question? Ask us here using the below Q&A form
Q & A
Ask us a question about the proposed Hope Valley Bowling Club 10 + 10 year lease and we will get back to you.
Note: please do not send questions here that are not relevant to this proposed lease. For questions about general Council matters please contact Customer Service