River Torrens Linear Park - two new proposed public toilets

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Consultation has concluded

Council decision/outcomes

During the consultation period we received 57 feedback form responses in relation to the proposed Dernancourt site and 58 feedback form responses about the Highbury site. Email feedback was also received in relation to both sites.

Of the feedback form responses for the Dernancourt site, 86% were supportive of the installation of a toilet in the location proposed, 12% were opposed and 2% were neutral.

In relation to the installation of a public toilet at the proposed Highbury site, 88% indicated support and 12% were opposed.

At its meeting on Tuesday 12 April 2022 Council considered the feedback received from the community and made the decision to proceed with the installation of the toilets in the locations proposed – at Orange Grove Circuit near Shepley Court in Dernancourt, and at the end of Nursery Way in Highbury (subject to the approval of the Minister for Planning).

Read the community engagement outcomes report

Council Report 12 April 2022 - outcomes from community engagement for the development of two new toilets on the River Torrens Linear Park

Read the Council Meeting minutes - 12 April 2022


Council is seeking feedback from the community about the installation of two new public toilets in River Torrens Linear Park (RTLP).

The City of Tea Tree Gully currently doesn’t provide any public toilets in RTLP. Community feedback in relation to a plan for the length of the RTLP raised the lack of public toilets along this corridor as an area for improvement.

As part of the 2021-2022 Annual Business Plan, Council allocated $380,000 for the installation of two public toilets in River Torrens Linear Park ($190,000 each) in locations to be determined by Council.

The two sites proposed (after considering criteria such as area usage, accessibility from pathways and distance from existing toilet facilities in neighbouring councils) are:

  • the end of Nursery Way, Highbury
  • Orange Grove Circuit (near Shepley Court), Dernancourt

Council is proposing to install one accessible unisex toilet in each location, designed and constructed to Australian Standards for Disability Access. The toilets would also provide water fountains, water bottle refill facilities and dog water bowls. The photo to the right is an example image of the proposed toilets.

More information is available in the Information Sheet

Easy Read information about this project is also available

If public toilet facilities were to be installed in River Torrens Linear Park an amendment would need to be made to the Community Land Management Plan for Dernancourt/Highbury: River Torrens Linear Park to reflect this change. A draft amended plan is available to view

To get involved and have your say:

  • Register here (if you haven't already, otherwise you can sign in when prompted)
  • Review the information on what's proposed
  • Provide feedback by completing the online feedback form for the public toilet location you would like to provide feedback on (or you can provide your views on both, depending on your interest)
  • Have a question? Ask us here

All feedback received will be presented to Council for consideration before any further decisions are made about the installation of public toilets in River Torrens Linear Park.

If you need assistance to participate in this consultation, please call us on 8397 7444 or send us a message

Council decision/outcomes

During the consultation period we received 57 feedback form responses in relation to the proposed Dernancourt site and 58 feedback form responses about the Highbury site. Email feedback was also received in relation to both sites.

Of the feedback form responses for the Dernancourt site, 86% were supportive of the installation of a toilet in the location proposed, 12% were opposed and 2% were neutral.

In relation to the installation of a public toilet at the proposed Highbury site, 88% indicated support and 12% were opposed.

At its meeting on Tuesday 12 April 2022 Council considered the feedback received from the community and made the decision to proceed with the installation of the toilets in the locations proposed – at Orange Grove Circuit near Shepley Court in Dernancourt, and at the end of Nursery Way in Highbury (subject to the approval of the Minister for Planning).

Read the community engagement outcomes report

Council Report 12 April 2022 - outcomes from community engagement for the development of two new toilets on the River Torrens Linear Park

Read the Council Meeting minutes - 12 April 2022


Council is seeking feedback from the community about the installation of two new public toilets in River Torrens Linear Park (RTLP).

The City of Tea Tree Gully currently doesn’t provide any public toilets in RTLP. Community feedback in relation to a plan for the length of the RTLP raised the lack of public toilets along this corridor as an area for improvement.

As part of the 2021-2022 Annual Business Plan, Council allocated $380,000 for the installation of two public toilets in River Torrens Linear Park ($190,000 each) in locations to be determined by Council.

The two sites proposed (after considering criteria such as area usage, accessibility from pathways and distance from existing toilet facilities in neighbouring councils) are:

  • the end of Nursery Way, Highbury
  • Orange Grove Circuit (near Shepley Court), Dernancourt

Council is proposing to install one accessible unisex toilet in each location, designed and constructed to Australian Standards for Disability Access. The toilets would also provide water fountains, water bottle refill facilities and dog water bowls. The photo to the right is an example image of the proposed toilets.

More information is available in the Information Sheet

Easy Read information about this project is also available

If public toilet facilities were to be installed in River Torrens Linear Park an amendment would need to be made to the Community Land Management Plan for Dernancourt/Highbury: River Torrens Linear Park to reflect this change. A draft amended plan is available to view

To get involved and have your say:

  • Register here (if you haven't already, otherwise you can sign in when prompted)
  • Review the information on what's proposed
  • Provide feedback by completing the online feedback form for the public toilet location you would like to provide feedback on (or you can provide your views on both, depending on your interest)
  • Have a question? Ask us here

All feedback received will be presented to Council for consideration before any further decisions are made about the installation of public toilets in River Torrens Linear Park.

If you need assistance to participate in this consultation, please call us on 8397 7444 or send us a message

Consultation has concluded

Ask us a question about the proposed public toilets for River Torrens Linear Park and we'll get back to you. Questions and answers will also be published on this website.

Note: please do not send questions here that are not relevant to this proposal. Questions about general Council matters please contact Customer Service

  • Share Will there be drink water fountains provided as part of this public toilet development? Some electric barbecues would be nice too. on Facebook Share Will there be drink water fountains provided as part of this public toilet development? Some electric barbecues would be nice too. on Twitter Share Will there be drink water fountains provided as part of this public toilet development? Some electric barbecues would be nice too. on Linkedin Email Will there be drink water fountains provided as part of this public toilet development? Some electric barbecues would be nice too. link

    Will there be drink water fountains provided as part of this public toilet development? Some electric barbecues would be nice too.

    Graham Rawolle asked almost 3 years ago

    Hi Graham, thanks for your question and comments.

    As noted in the information provided, each toilet would include water fountains, water bottle refill facilities and dog water bowls.

    No barbecues or other recreational facilities are planned as part of this project at this stage.

    Kind regards, Sarah

  • Share What is the proposed cleaning regimen for these so called automated toilets? Is there a proposed daily check and clean of these facilities? on Facebook Share What is the proposed cleaning regimen for these so called automated toilets? Is there a proposed daily check and clean of these facilities? on Twitter Share What is the proposed cleaning regimen for these so called automated toilets? Is there a proposed daily check and clean of these facilities? on Linkedin Email What is the proposed cleaning regimen for these so called automated toilets? Is there a proposed daily check and clean of these facilities? link

    What is the proposed cleaning regimen for these so called automated toilets? Is there a proposed daily check and clean of these facilities?

    Des Joyce asked almost 3 years ago

    Hi Des, thanks for your question.

    As noted in the information provided, Council would be responsible for the maintenance, cleaning and security of the toilets. Cleaning of the toilets would occur daily, usually early morning. Additional cleaning would be on an as needs basis. Our Public Toilets Policy provides further information.

    Kind regards, Sarah