Tilley Recreation Park - proposed permanent shipping container

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Consultation has concluded

Council decision/outcomes

During the consultation period a total of 62 responses were received. Of these responses, 58 were in support of the proposal, three people were opposed and one was neutral.

At its meeting on Tuesday 23 November 2021, Council considered the feedback received from the community and made the decision to support the permanent shipping container at Tilley Recreation Park. The amendment to the Tilley Recreation Park Community Land Management Plan to include a Shipping Container - permanent storage and canteen/bar facility was also endorsed by Council.

Read the community engagement outcomes report

Read the Council report (Council Meeting - Notice, Agenda & Reports - 23 November 2021 - see pages 268 - 324)

Read the Council Meeting minutes - 23 November 2021


We are inviting the community to provide feedback about a proposal to have a permanent shipping container at Tilley Recreation Park as a storage, canteen and bar facility.

Since July 2021 the Tea Tree Gully City Soccer Club (TTGCSC) has been using a shipping container at Tilley Recreation Park in Surrey Downs for temporary storage, following approval from Council. The container is located next to the southernmost pitch at the park and since its placement, the club has added paving and a small retaining wall to the surrounds to improve access.

The club has now requested a permanent underground power connection to the shipping container, and proposes to use the container for the service of pre-packaged alcohol and canteen products during matches and training via a purpose built server window.

The TTGCSC obtained a $14,000 grant towards the purchase and installation of the shipping container, and has acquired the services of club sponsors to undertake the works required for the infrastructure to be fitted for its proposed purpose. The club has not requested a financial contribution from Council towards this project. The club would be responsible for all ongoing maintenance and repairs to the container and ongoing electricity use.

As the Community Land Management Plan for Tilley Recreation Park does not reference such infrastructure (permanent storage, canteen, bar), Council’s approval is required for the infrastructure to remain on the land, subject to the outcomes of a community engagement process. This plan would be amended to reflect the addition of a permanent storage, canteen and bar facility at this reserve, should this be approved by Council.

More information about this proposal is available in the Information Sheet

To get involved and have your say:

  • Register here (if you haven't already, otherwise you can sign in when prompted)
  • Provide feedback by completing the online feedback form
  • Have a question? Ask us here or click on the Questions tab below

All feedback received will be presented to Council for consideration before any further decisions are made about this proposal.

If you need assistance to participate in this consultation, please contact the Community Engagement team on 8397 7444 or send us a message

Council decision/outcomes

During the consultation period a total of 62 responses were received. Of these responses, 58 were in support of the proposal, three people were opposed and one was neutral.

At its meeting on Tuesday 23 November 2021, Council considered the feedback received from the community and made the decision to support the permanent shipping container at Tilley Recreation Park. The amendment to the Tilley Recreation Park Community Land Management Plan to include a Shipping Container - permanent storage and canteen/bar facility was also endorsed by Council.

Read the community engagement outcomes report

Read the Council report (Council Meeting - Notice, Agenda & Reports - 23 November 2021 - see pages 268 - 324)

Read the Council Meeting minutes - 23 November 2021


We are inviting the community to provide feedback about a proposal to have a permanent shipping container at Tilley Recreation Park as a storage, canteen and bar facility.

Since July 2021 the Tea Tree Gully City Soccer Club (TTGCSC) has been using a shipping container at Tilley Recreation Park in Surrey Downs for temporary storage, following approval from Council. The container is located next to the southernmost pitch at the park and since its placement, the club has added paving and a small retaining wall to the surrounds to improve access.

The club has now requested a permanent underground power connection to the shipping container, and proposes to use the container for the service of pre-packaged alcohol and canteen products during matches and training via a purpose built server window.

The TTGCSC obtained a $14,000 grant towards the purchase and installation of the shipping container, and has acquired the services of club sponsors to undertake the works required for the infrastructure to be fitted for its proposed purpose. The club has not requested a financial contribution from Council towards this project. The club would be responsible for all ongoing maintenance and repairs to the container and ongoing electricity use.

As the Community Land Management Plan for Tilley Recreation Park does not reference such infrastructure (permanent storage, canteen, bar), Council’s approval is required for the infrastructure to remain on the land, subject to the outcomes of a community engagement process. This plan would be amended to reflect the addition of a permanent storage, canteen and bar facility at this reserve, should this be approved by Council.

More information about this proposal is available in the Information Sheet

To get involved and have your say:

  • Register here (if you haven't already, otherwise you can sign in when prompted)
  • Provide feedback by completing the online feedback form
  • Have a question? Ask us here or click on the Questions tab below

All feedback received will be presented to Council for consideration before any further decisions are made about this proposal.

If you need assistance to participate in this consultation, please contact the Community Engagement team on 8397 7444 or send us a message

Consultation has concluded

Ask us a question about the proposal for a permanent shipping container at Tilley Recreation Park and we'll get back to you. Questions and answers will also be published on this website.

Note: please do not send questions here that are not relevant to this proposal. Questions about general Council matters please contact Customer Service

  • Share How will the bar operate, is a sit down bar or just sales? Are spectators allowed to buy and drink alcohol while watching? Will players be allowed to buy alcohol? What measures does the club/council have in place to deal with poor/abusive behaviour because of alcohol consumption on the oval? Will the container stay black - not really in tune with Tilly Reserve? on Facebook Share How will the bar operate, is a sit down bar or just sales? Are spectators allowed to buy and drink alcohol while watching? Will players be allowed to buy alcohol? What measures does the club/council have in place to deal with poor/abusive behaviour because of alcohol consumption on the oval? Will the container stay black - not really in tune with Tilly Reserve? on Twitter Share How will the bar operate, is a sit down bar or just sales? Are spectators allowed to buy and drink alcohol while watching? Will players be allowed to buy alcohol? What measures does the club/council have in place to deal with poor/abusive behaviour because of alcohol consumption on the oval? Will the container stay black - not really in tune with Tilly Reserve? on Linkedin Email How will the bar operate, is a sit down bar or just sales? Are spectators allowed to buy and drink alcohol while watching? Will players be allowed to buy alcohol? What measures does the club/council have in place to deal with poor/abusive behaviour because of alcohol consumption on the oval? Will the container stay black - not really in tune with Tilly Reserve? link

    How will the bar operate, is a sit down bar or just sales? Are spectators allowed to buy and drink alcohol while watching? Will players be allowed to buy alcohol? What measures does the club/council have in place to deal with poor/abusive behaviour because of alcohol consumption on the oval? Will the container stay black - not really in tune with Tilly Reserve?

    EdJudyE asked almost 3 years ago

    Hi EdJudyE,

    Thank you for your questions.

    In response: 

    • The bar will be used for sales only, there is no sit down area within the container. Consumers can sit on Tilley Recreation Park within the designated liquor licence area 
    • Yes spectators are able to purchase and consume alcohol during the times as per the conditions of the club’s liquor licence 
    • The club, as the liquor licence holder will be responsible for patrons behaviour. Council’s approval process is as per Council’s Liquor Licence Application Management Policy. 
    • The container was painted black by the club to represent the clubs colours. If a different colour is preferred please note this within the feedback

    Kind regards