Tilley Recreation Park draft master plan and proposed new dog park
Consultation has concluded
Council decision/outcomes
During the consultation period, 118 feedback form responses were received as well as four email submissions. Of the feedback responses, 81% were supportive of the draft masterplan overall with 12% opposed. The majority (77%) were supportive of the creation of a dog park at Tilley Recreation Park, while 14% were opposed.
At its meeting on Tuesday 30 January 2024, Council considered the feedback received from the community and endorsed the Tilley Recreation Park Masterplan, incorporating a dog park in the location proposed. In response to feedback received, the final masterplan also included relocation of the Little Athletics Shed to the north-east corner of the site, adjacent to Hancock Road (see plan)
A final version of the Tilley Recreation Park Masterplan can be viewed here
Next steps for this project are to progress the funded upgrades as outlined in the endorsed masterplan, including the development of a more detailed draft concept plan for the dog park using the feedback received about preferred elements and facilities to inform this. Consultation on the draft dog park plan is planned for later this year.
Read the community engagement outcomes report
Read the Council Meeting minutes - 30 January 2024(External link)
We are inviting feedback on a draft master plan for Tilley Recreation Park, which includes a proposed new dog park.
Tilley Recreation Park is located on the corner of Hancock and Yatala Vale Roads, Surrey Downs. Council has received funding from the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing (ORSR) to build a new clubroom for TTG Soccer Club as well as other improvements across Tilley Recreation Park. Council and the TTG Soccer Club are also contributing towards these works.
In February/March 2023 we consulted with the community about the construction of a new clubroom for use by the Tea Tree Gully City Soccer Club, which Council approved at its meeting on 9 May 2023.
Proposed new dog park
A new dog park has been proposed between Yatala Vale Road and the tennis courts to address the needs of the local community by providing a safe and welcoming space to exercise and socialise dogs. Council would particularly like to understand the community’s views on the dog park as this would be a new facility for the park.
Other proposed works in the master plan that already have funding include:
- Reorientation of the central soccer pitch (to accommodate new clubroom building)
- Improvements to carparking, access and signage across the site
- Improvements to pedestrian access around the Theatre
- Improvements and relocation of Little Athletics facilities
- Relocation of the public toilets near the Theatre to next to the shipping container kiosk
More information about this proposal, including other unfunded proposed works, please refer to the Information Sheet and detailed master plan document
An Easy Read version of the draft master plan is also available.
The Community Land Management Plan (CLMP) for Tilley Recreation Park does not currently include a dog park. Should a dog park be approved by Council (subject to the outcomes of this community engagement), the CLMP would need to be amended to note its inclusion.
Read the draft amended CLMP for Tilley Recreation Park
To get involved and have your say:
- Register here (if you haven't already, otherwise you can sign in when prompted)
- Provide feedback by completing the online feedback form
- Come along to one of our ‘drop in’ sessions at Tilley Recreation Park (near the playground) where you can talk to Council staff and Elected Members:
- Wednesday, 8 November 2023 – anytime between 5.30 – 6.30pm
- Saturday, 11 November 2023 – anytime between 9.00 – 10.30am (a coffee van will be available at this session)
- Have a question? Ask us here or click on the Questions tab below
All feedback received will be presented to Council for consideration before any further decisions are made about this project.
If you need assistance to participate in this consultation, please contact the Community Engagement team on 8397 7444 or send us a message(External link)