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Caring for my Dad in St Agnes

My 82 year old dad lives with me and has done for 6.5 years.  He has slowly declined in both physical and mental health.  Up until October 2018 he was able to get about the neighbourhood and would go out every day.  During 2018 we noticed that his mental health was declining as Dementia took hold but physically he was still pretty good.  Then he started to have the odd fall.  One Friday morning i was at work at received a call from a lady called Sue who apparently lives down the road from me.  Sue and her husband Dennis were about to reverse out of their driveway to head off to kindergym to see their grand-daughter.  Dennis saw my Dad laying on the footpath at the end of their driveway so they stopped to help.  Dad had fallen and hit his head and cut his arm quite badly.  He was able to show Sue a card i'd put in his wallet with his name and address on it so they took him home.  Dennis went off to kindergym to honour their babysitting commitment and Sue remained with my dad in his granny flat, attached to my house.  After she rang me i headed straight home.  By the time i got home Sue had bandaged dad's arm, had made him a cup of tea and they were having a lovely chat about his adventures in his youth.  I decided to take dad to the doctor to get his wounds checked out but first i convinced Sue to let me drive her to the kindergym at Tea Tree Gully so she could meet up with Dennis and the toddler.  Later in the day both Sue and Dennis appeared on my doorstep to find out how Dad was.  I was very glad to see them as i had planned to pop down and visit them (I had flowers and bottle of red as a Thank You gift).  I had never met these people before and their care and support of my dad on that day was just lovely.  Since then i have passed them in the street a few times and they always ask after dad.  He is now unable to go out on his own following a broken pelvis as a result of a fall in October last and sadly he has no memory of the fall or Sue and Dennis helping him.  The actions of my unknown neighbours that day will live with me always - people really are kind and caring.

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Consultation has concluded

Admin Commented Team member commented matthew.taylor
Team Leader Community Prosperity
over 5 years ago
Hi KimY, thanks for taking the time to share this fantastic story about how caring and kind neighbours can be. It is inspiring to hear the stories of neighbours who take the time to look out for the frail and vulnerable in our community, Matt (CTTG)
Share Hi KimY, thanks for taking the time to share this fantastic story about how caring and kind neighbours can be. It is inspiring to hear the stories of neighbours who take the time to look out for the frail and vulnerable in our community, Matt (CTTG) on Facebook Share Hi KimY, thanks for taking the time to share this fantastic story about how caring and kind neighbours can be. It is inspiring to hear the stories of neighbours who take the time to look out for the frail and vulnerable in our community, Matt (CTTG) on Twitter Share Hi KimY, thanks for taking the time to share this fantastic story about how caring and kind neighbours can be. It is inspiring to hear the stories of neighbours who take the time to look out for the frail and vulnerable in our community, Matt (CTTG) on Linkedin Email Hi KimY, thanks for taking the time to share this fantastic story about how caring and kind neighbours can be. It is inspiring to hear the stories of neighbours who take the time to look out for the frail and vulnerable in our community, Matt (CTTG) link